Tag: til

  • Keep same URL in now.sh

    In the world of static file hosting there are plenty of solutions. I picked now.sh. It’s free, easy to use and works well. I have had one problem with now.sh so far, it creates a new URL everytime you push. It’s a feature that I dont need in some cases, here’s how to solve. Put this in package.json:

      "scripts": {
        "deploy": "now && now alias && now remove YOUR_APP_NAME --safe -y"
    Replace YOUR_APP_NAME by the name of your app. Then go to your now.json and add/change:
    "name": "YOUR_APP_NAME",
    "alias": "YOUR_UNIQUE_SUBDOMAIN.now.sh",
    Replace YOUR_UNIQUE_SUBDOMAIN by your unique subdomain. Just run yarn deploy.

  • touch to update a file timestamp

    Touch is mainly known for creating files. Touch main purpose is actually to update the file’s timestamp. From the man:

    The touch utility sets the modification and access times of files. If any file does not exist, it is created with default permissions.

  • Pretty format ELM model in browser

    An example of pretty format in browser Using Debug.toString is really helpful to help debug the model but the format of the output is hard to read. Looking for solution I stumbled upon this gem(not the ruby gem). I changed it to work in elm 0.19 and fix a minor issue when using custom type for the Model. Here’s the final result on Gist.

  • Empty Tag in React

    When you need to return more than one element you have few solutions.

    Wrap with an element


    Return a list (requires a key)

    function List() {
        return [<span key='1'>1</span>, <span key='2'>2</span>]

    Use Fragment (16.2.0+)


    Use empty tag (some kind of alias for Fragment)


  • Reuse last argument from previous command

    If you need to reuse the reuse the last argument from the previous command this is for you:

    touch config.js
    vi !$
    Last command is equivalent to
    vi config.js
    Bonus: echo $? will display the exit code of therevious command !! will re-execute the previous command, sudo !!

  • Calendar in shell

    I love calendars and shell has a way to display the calendar for the current month

    $ cal
    shell cal output